As Christmas approaches we are reminded of the way that God came into our world with humility and great love. The baby Jesus is for each of us. At Christmas time, I always take the opportunity to remember the good things that I have received this year and indeed in my life. In the midst of such uncertainty and suffering we should turn our minds from negativity and focus on a few positive moments of love and personal dignity. Each of us is valuable and esteemed by God. Each of us has helped another person and can remember instances when we have received love and care.
If like me, you feel helpless in these difficult times, and wonder what you can do to change the seemingly helpless situation everyone is facing, I suggest that we learn from Christmas. We can change the world by doing little things which express love and hope. We can change the world by loving others. One by one we can reassure and bring hope to the hopeless. Please join me in this.
Happy Christmas, I send you my wishes and prayers.
Bishop Greg Homeming OCD
If like me, you feel helpless in these difficult times, and wonder what you can do to change the seemingly helpless situation everyone is facing, I suggest that we learn from Christmas. We can change the world by doing little things which express love and hope. We can change the world by loving others. One by one we can reassure and bring hope to the hopeless. Please join me in this.
Happy Christmas, I send you my wishes and prayers.
Bishop Greg Homeming OCD